So i got back in town on Thrusday. My trip was pretty wonderful exluding the rain. I took a lot of pictures. Really this is just a brief update to say im not dead. I will upload pictures and write more tomorrow. Right now i actually have to get to work. BOO.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Too Anxious
It may not be christmas time but i feel like im 6 again not wanting to go to sleep cause i want to see santa. im leaving in the morning to go visit my fiance who i haven't seen in over a month. i'm so excited and slightly nervous about the drive. i cat wait to run up and hug him.
also, this evening i recieved a text from my old best friend. we parted ways many years ago, but i still miss her terribly. we texted back and forth for an hour or so just catching up. i wonder sometimes what it would be like if we were friends again, if we could be. when we stopped being friends i lost a sister not a friend.
so right now im confused and happy and anxious and ready to go but need to sleep.
Posted by Miss2Missus at 8:29 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
A Day Late
Yesterday was important. It was my eight month mark of not smoking...that's a three forths of a year!!!!!
In addition to that, it was also exactly 17 months before Daniel and i get married.
I actually do have a good bit i would like to write at the moment. But im inda tired and have been cranky and angry....translation: i get lazy.
Posted by Miss2Missus at 5:23 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Cap'n Crunch
Wow we are half way through May already.
how come cereal doesn't come with toys anymore?
Posted by Miss2Missus at 7:03 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 10, 2009
A Sunday Update
Hmm what to say. It's Sunday evening, I'm off tomorrow so that's nice. Actually that's probbly a really good thing. It's 9:30 at night and i'm wide awake. Not just awake but jittery. We got a wii fit and i love it. I did 96 minutes on it today already. I know its not like a real excerise program but considering everything i've gone through and the point its brought me at i think this is a good starting point. I do love the yoga on there though. The way its setup its actually training you to do it properly.
I asked another friend to be in the wedding. She said yes. But i knew she would. We just made it offical.
I learned from a really nice woman how to correct the problem i was having crocheting my thumb on my doll.
I've meet a bunch of awesome ladies on a forum online.
My plants are thriving so far!!!. The carrots are at a standstill, but they aren't dying anymore. The watermelons are good and growing, however i'm a bit concerned because it rained and all the run off from the roof landed in it and it hasnt seemed to dry out yet.
MY PEAS!!!! they are growing like wild fire. I'm going to have to thin them soon. They are starting to vine. Instructions said they dont need a trellis since they are only supposed to be 12-24 in but we will see. Sadly all my poor lettuce seems to be lost.
A hawk died in my store after several days of watching me.
Our dog might have to be put down soon. He's not doing well at all :(
I'm going to see my fiance at the end of the month, need to get my brakes done before them they wont stop maing noises. Need to find the money to do so.
New allergist suggested vocal spasms instead of asthma. Hopeful. Bloodwork not so good.
Fiance seems to be doing well with his process. A big thank you to all you wonderful woman who have been prayig for both him and myself.
That seems to be it this week. Happy Mutter's Day!!! MUAH
Posted by Miss2Missus at 6:17 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 3, 2009
First Week
Just wanted to post some pictures of the first week in my garden.
these are my sugar baby watermelons. i was starting to think that they weren't going to sprout, i saw my peas and lettuce coming up but my watermelons and carrots weren't doing anything. then yesterday morning i went out to water and there they were. popping up left and right.
and my peas. which have been coming up since wed.
i'm so excited!!! i know it's still too early and that they could all die out last minute. But right now every day is like christmas.
Posted by Miss2Missus at 12:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: gardening