Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Visit from my Maid of Honor

I haven't been writing much lately and it's kinda bumming me out. I enjoy writing in here just haven't found the time.

A couple of weeks ago my friend/maid of honor came down. It was great seeing her. I hadn't seen her since she moved home last summer. We did bit of goofing off nothing too outragous. Went bridesmaid dress shopping. Which was fun and so much easier than i thought it would be. We only went to two stores and the first was horrible. It looked more like a bridal thrift store than anything else. But my dear Jenna humored me and tried on a couple dresses so we could get an idea or two on styles and color.

Then off to the second store. We drove out to the historic part of Conway. There really aren't many places in the area. We went into this one little boutiq and the people were so nice and helpful without being overly pushy. I hate to say it but i had a very deffinet idea of what i wanted in a dress...more specfically the color. I wanted a burnt orange, a shiny burnt orange. I know it sounds horrible but it really is nice. She tried on a couple there for me and we essentially have it narrowed to two dresses. Both by the same designer and same fabric.

Whew that was it!?! Just like that we pretty much found the dresses. I still want to run it by the other girls but it's pretty much done on that front. Now for my dress. THAT one i highly doubt will be resolved to easily. But i won't start to look until fall or so of this year.

So after we left the shop we were starving. There was a little cafe a block away so we figured we would stop in there. And i liked it. A lot. It was so plain and simple. You order a turkey sandwich and ou get turkey on bread. They had homemade potato chips and an awesome lemon pie. Wonderful for how simple it was. (that's the jenna at the cafe in the picture above)
So the rest of the visit was spent eating and shopping...i gained six pounds :( but i had a wonderful time. We went to the zoo and the bookstore more than once. On her second to last day we got fried crispy at the beach then played put put in true tourist fashion.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Today sucked. In so many ways it sucked. it seems i got three weeks worth of moodiness and anger coming out of me today. Not to mention working in retail on a holiday is horrible. Everyone is mean. Had a woman cut me off and almost kill me and acted like it was my fault all cause she was impatient. It was a bad day. I really don't want to go into too much detail cause it will just bring up more anger instead of me calming down. Had one good thing happen though.
it was my last night at my second job. Which is great because it has been screwing with my schedule. I end up eating dinner really late and eat more than i intend to. Then go to sleep too late and it messes me up for days. I was sad to leave a few people behind there. I've had that job for three years. But others I'm not upset about. And i can finally get back on track again. They kinda made it easier to leave though. They didn't really have any plans for wishing me a fond farewell. I know part of that is because some kept hoping i wouldn't leave and part because I seem to be easy to forget about things like that for some reason. I think people think i don't like that stuff. A couple people ended up giving me a gift card which was nice since i spent way too much on my last night taking a final advantage of my discount. Though a frame i bought might have to be returned.
HAPPY FORTH!!!! A little tea and read before bed.
My Jenna is coming and I'm excited about. We will probably be going bridesmaid dress window shopping while she is here.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


That's how i feel today. Past couple days actually.
I felt great yesterday. Did well one my eating. Had a good workout. But the down side was in not taking the prilosec i had some trouble breathing. That made the workout a bit difficult. So for now what I am doing is trying it every other day or so. The thing most people don't understand is that i've been having problems breathing for years. It's how i was diagnosed with sarcoidosis to begin with. After all that and i stil had problems they thought maybe asthma. But none of my doctors agree on that. Then it might be anxiety. But that's only some of the time. Maybe i'm just uptight and don't know how to breath....that was a serious option too. Not it seems it maybe acid reflux. Which when i take the medcine i can breath so it seems like a good possiblity. But insurance issues and such I'm taking an over the counter med. One that the side effects don't seem to good on. Including weight gain. And i went through that before, albiet more serously, but that was enough for me. I'm trying to lose weight gaining more is not good. That's all on that. I'm leaving it alone.
Then comes this morning. I woke up and felt great. I think in part because of the great workout and eating from the previous couple of days. I go to get dressed for BAM. I can't move. I'm doubled over. My stomach is killing me. It's not my muscles, it's not a normal tummy ache. It feels more like i'm going into labor. Atleast that's what i think. I've never given brith to a baby and i'm not pregnant. But i so cant move. I try to lay down and it hurts. I try to stand it hurts. I'm seriously locked into this postion. I don't get it. After twenty minutes or so I finaly call work and tell them there is no way I'm coming in. I feel horrible about it but hell i can't even get dressed. So with a lot breathing through it and the heating pad i lay down and go back to sleep. I wakee up several hours later and i feel like someone has kicked me. It's the remanant of pain more than pain itself.
All i can think about is feeling crappy from not working. From not working out. And for losing a day all around. My friend is coming down and i need to clean like a freak, she's allergic to kittys. Now i only have tomorrow to do it since i have to work the next two nights.
Yeah that was my day.

Oh and it's my brother's brithday. Need to write him.