Monday, February 23, 2009

Technology and Death

It's been and odd week. Right now, i'm pretty pissed. the printer i got for christmas that i have been trying to set up, needs it's own usb cord. that i don't have. i bought cd for the first time in several i can't find my usb for my ipod to sinc them for my trip. and i has no money. on top of the whole despretly needing sneakers that a bum wouldn't turn down before the trip too. uhg.

on a sad and odd note though, and old co-worker of mine died the other day. not old as in age, infact she was only a year or two older than me, still not yet thirty. but we worked together for a couple of years up until a couple years ago when she was fired. she was a nice girl, not the best employee, but a nice person. she was the first person to try to make me feel at hom here when i moved down south for the second time. its always sad when someone you know dies. never really know how to deal with it. but later that day i was going through my cell phone and saw that i still had her number in there. we weren't close. i wondered if i called the number what kinda of response would i get. would the line already be disconnected? it amazed me at out easly it was to just delete someone and they aren't there anymore. like i said we weren't close. i guess the longer you keep someone's number in your phone after they die the closer you were.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sorry for the Absence

its been pretty busy. my boyfriend was here for a couple of days. we celebrated my birthday, valentines, and our anniversary. did a bit of shopping. i adore him. he really is my best friend and absolutely wonderful. one of those tiny little things that really sits with you happened today...we were having lunch at our favorite japanese place and i was showing him scraps of paper with some work time doodles. and though it wasn't something i dwelled on durring conversation it meant alot, he told me i was good at that. it made me proud to have him like my stupid little doodles. i hate that he's driving home right now. i cant wait until we go up to DC in a couple of weeks. ^_^

we went to see Coraline. It was such a wonderful movie. my top director and one of my top writers together, very good. i can't wait to make a Coraline doll. of course i have several other things ahead of that as always. i really need to get some of those clips from Barnes and nobles, the ones labeled "soon" "whenever" etc.

crap i just remembered a job i wanted to apply for with a deadline of the 24th. not even really sure if its open to the public though.

anyways, i digress. bought a couple Cd's, the ting tings, she and him, the sounds of the smiths, combichrist and lily allen. i haven't bought Cd's in a long time. its fun playing with my itunes and genius. my CD player doesn't work in my car anymore so we are trying to get my ipod updated.

i got the new book Fool by Christopher Moore. so excited about that. but first i have to finish Driving with dead people. Moore's books deserve undivided attention.

so really that's all I've been up to. cleaning setting things up. day dreaming. letting my To Do list grow.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Honey Nuts

I've been totally lazy. sleeping, reading, or playing video games. thats it. honeslty.

right now im reading Goat. it's turned out to be a good book. then christopher moore's new book Fool came out today. YAY so excited. Mary Called Magdalen, i'm not going to lie, i'm having problems getting through. it started out good and it just keeps slowing up. i've got maybe two hundred pages left.

so that's it for now. i'm tired. grabbing some cheerios and Goat

Saturday, February 7, 2009

feel like crap.....can't stop sleeping.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Almost Best Birthday Ever!

I'm giddy like a school girl. despite my stomach feeling like a storm. i didn't really celebrate my birthday this year. but it was a good one. well actually work sucked. damn moody people. but then i came home and got some ok pictures of a tuffeted woodpecker. got in a nap. had nommy chinese food.....and i got my sewing machine!!! i can't wait till this weekend. i'm off and will be using it. heheheheheheheh. i so happy.

the only thing that would have been better is if my boyfriend was here.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wednesday, Angry, Wednesday

Today is my last day of being 27. Which is just as important as my birthday tomorrow. And I have spent the day just being angry, mean, and truly hateful. Frustration is a very mild term for what i feel. And i completely understand how those rare people you see in movies that are the "right" ones and everyone else is off can quickly become insane.

I'm not terribly fond of my job anymore. Scratch that, i haven't been for a long time. I would prefer to stay at home and clean and bake and mend and be crafty. But that's not a luxury i have. i have bills, massive medical bills turned credit card debit i have to take care. its overwhelming like much of my life. i digress, my job. its not the job so much i dislike, its the changes that have taken place over the last five years that have trickled down from CEO to corp to store. I don't deal with public, which is good in someways. people can be quite irritating when you have to see them for five minutes and they treat you like dirt on their shoe but yet don't know what they are saying. But office politics are less than desirable. Things are changing and not for the better. Managers think they can break policy for a reason. Which in situations like is hair ripping maddening. those polices were created by alto of people wasting company money to figure out the "best" way to deal with things. They are in place for a reason. as far as my job goes they aren't guidelines, they are law. stop being douches!!!!!! do what you are supposed to do. put your foot down and say no once in a while.

oh and you know what people? please stop putting address labels over your name and address on your checks. i know its easier that re-writing things. but if you must put it NEXT to the printed information. Cause when the dumb ass cashier takes it and it move on to people like me and the bank and so forth...we WILL be cursing you for your stupidity and can only hope you misplace your checks so someone else can slap their address and name on them and clean your account out.

please people, managers, corporations, society.... THE HUMAN RACE.....please stop being so stupid, selfish, and rude. take the time to think of the other person you are dealing with.

endth first rant.

yay my birthday's tomorrow ^_^

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Night Before Work

My two days off for the week are over. I've pretty much wasted all my time. i did get laundry done. and i tried to hook up the printer i got for christmas (OK, a little late on that i know) but no usb cord.
i can't help it. the Internet sucks me in! so many pretty, interesting things. i want to learn and it wants to teach. we just need more time together. ha. it steals my time as is.

i think the evening will be finished off with a nice hot bath, perhaps some impromptu pattern making. we will see.

i really need a new set of sheets for my bed.

not fun

uhg, my computer is in the fritz and running slower than i am

Monday, February 2, 2009


I'm absolutly horrible!!! i just bought this glittery japanese mushroom fabric i've been fawning over now for a couple weeks and i really didn't have the money too. oh well. i love it. and it's my birthday to gift to myself. but that's it seriously, for some time. no more shopping. i have to pay off some bills.

Book Review

I just finished going through Organic Housekeeping by Ellen Sandbeck. I have to recommend this book to anyone with domestic issues. I haven't tried out the cleaning suggestions yet, but they seem pretty basic. But the best part of the book is her humor and the chapter on decluttering your life. Which decluttering is something i really need to work. I'm at a point where i can't wait to move just so I can go through things better (i'm a procrastanator and function best on a deadline)

a Grey Day

have you ever woken up with that dreadful feeling that you're running late and everything needs to be finished in the next five minutes, but you're not running late. infact it's my day off which means i can loaf around all i want. i mean i do have things i need to do. but none that are so pressing that i should be feeling this anxious about them.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I suffer from craft A.D.D.

I love the internet and hate it with the exact same equal intensity.

It has opened such a world for me of projects to want to do. and that in and of it's self is horrible. between amigurumi, my paintings, current knitting/crocheting projects, my plushies, jewelry....seriously the list can go on....i can't seem to start anything. there are so many things i want to do that i get uber exicted about them all and never start any. grrrrrrrrrrrrr

my mission right now is to focus on my lamb (didn't see that on the previous to-do list, did ya?)

ironically enough, my craftest time of day seems to be between 8am and 12pm. which i am at work for. the ironic part...i'm not a morning person. if i'm off work the next day i can't go to bed at a decent time without literally forcing myself and feeling as though i'm gonna miss something etremly important. i'm a night owl. in turn the earlist i get up in the morning on a day off it 930 and even then im not actually functional until about 3 hours later. and by then my urges have past.

does anyone know how or where i might be able to find a pattern for a stuffed animal that is more rounded?