Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fingers crossed!!


i took a couple of pictures, but honestly, it's kinda pointless to post them. They didn't turn out that well. they are very tiny sprouts.

one window box of lettuce has several tiny sprouts (unless bird seed got in there then i have no idea what it is)
the other non. so i moved it next the growing one.

my peas have germinated and are poking a bit.

no sign on the watermelons or carrots.

I'm uber excited. I know i shouldn't get my hopes up its waaaayyy too early.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I made olive oil dough last night to make pizza. The dough turned out good. The backing of the pizza dough however, not so much. It wasn't fully done. Even after putting it back in the oven for another 15 minutes.

Today, my tummy hurts a bit.
I have a wicked head-ache and am going through an asthma attack i can't get rid of :(

Monday, April 27, 2009

This is going to be interesting

It's the end of the evening and I'm ready to collapse. Or at least get a good foot rub. To be honest i had forgotten how physical working in the yard can be, and in the gentlest way, let's just say i am anything but physically fit.So, i got offline earlier and headed down to the garden center. got three bags of 2 cubic foot gardening soil for veggies and plants. I wanted to get the "organic soil" but a) i don't know if it really is organic and b) i got twice as much for the price spent. Considering this is my first true effort, i went with the cheaper choice. Also, the difference between garden soil and potting soil for any who wants to know. Potting soil has those little fuzz balls in them that help to retain moister a bit longer since containers dry out faster than ground dirt. So you can pay twice as much for half the bag size, or just make sure to keep your containers well watered. Which ever is easier for you

.Once i got home i lugged the bags around to the back of the house and pulled out several containers to use. I also grabbed a couple of seed starting trays i had along with peat pellets.

*I want to take a moment to explain something here. This attempt of mine is not in anyway the "proper" way to go about gardening. A veggie garden should really be well planned. If you plan on out for several season you can yield wonderful crops. Also, proper seed starting should have been done months ago, esp down here in the south. I am kinda going trial and error here, but in no way am i dependent on the success of these crops, so it's OK.*

Alright with that out of the way lets continue. So i soaked a couple of peat pellets to get them to expand. Like i said i know it's too late to really be starting seedlings, or this whole process really, but I'm still trying. So then i moved on to the pots. I filled each pot with as much dirt as possible. I made sure to crumple up any chunks. Hint: hard soil and rocks are what stunt and deform carrots. you want soil that isn't too compacted so they can easily grow their taproots and you can get larger straighter carrots.I started by sowing in my peas. I made a little spiral in the dirt just so i could keep track of spacing. Placed my seeds as directed (minus the whole not being in a row in the ground). And then took one of tools and made little holes in the dirt right behind them. This worked wonderful because the hole was just the right size and when my garden fork came out the pea just popped right in. All i had to do was cover it. Then I started on the other pots. By the time i had them all filled with dirt and seeded my peat pellets were expanded. So i took a few out and put them in the tray and put a couple seeds in.Then I placed the containers were i know they will get full sun, which means at least six hours a day. Then watered them really well.

Now I just have to wait and see what happens. I'll keep an eye on the pellets and see if anything comes of them.Since this is all really new to me there will be times I'm wrong and i encourage you to correct me, in the nicest way possible of course. What i would like to do though is that since i am new i have a bunch of questions that are stupid and second natures to some and just as obtuse to others as to me. I would like to be the robin hood of garden know how. Whatever valuable info i come across I will gladly post so it can be shared.All and all it was a wonderful day. I spent several hours out doors in the sun and got really dirty. I felt healthy and happy for doing something productive as well as good for me. I hope i can stick with it. So enjoy and wish me luck.

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Monday and I'm Off

Slept a bit later than i had anticipated but that's OK. One of my friends is supposed to be in town but she "over slept" too so i may or may not see her. Kinda bummed about it, kinda new there was a chance though.

So instead i will be heading down to my storage unit, paying the bill then grabbing some of my pots out of it. I can't control it any more. I must plant something. Granted this is in no way a guarantee that i will grow anything, but i must at least try. Unfortunately, this means i have to go into work to get my seeds and dirt. Something i would have rather done yesterday when i was there.

But i'm going to try to grow some stuff, if only three or four things. I'm new at this really. So that's more than enough. But judging on how many views came yesterday at just the mention of gardening i realize there are probably many people out there just starting out too. So you can watch me and my deadly plant mistakes and I'll pass on any info i garner.

Let's grow something !!!(just not weeds)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

How I love dirt

It's been a long time since i've even attempted my hand at a veggie garden. But the last few years i've been getting a bad itch to do so. I want to mark off a few beds, till my soil, get it nice and dark, and transplant tiny little buds that i started from seedlings.

Unfortunately, I don't have the land to do so. I'm going to try a few container planets if possible. But i don't have my own place so it's really not up to me.

Today I got a little book from work, more like a promotional booklet for Miracle Grow, but it's on veggies and the basics of growing thirty types of them. So during down time while i wait for managers i flip through it and what do i find? the cutest picture ever!!!! i can't find one to show and it wouldn't copy well, but it was basically a picture of carrots in the soil ever so slightly peeking out. I found out that the part peeking out is called the shoulder and that you don't pull the veggie until its showing. Kinda like a done button on a turkey.

There is something so wonderful about getting your hands dirty and playing around and getting something good out of it. Maybe next year i can start a few plants.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


So i finally found a page that explained how to and tabs in the simplest terms so that i was able to do it. Currently I only have three and they arent the permanent categories just tester for now. For some reason the song "Weird Science" has been triumphantly going through my head. bwahahahahaha

thanks so much for the info found on sorry i dont know how to do text links yet. you may have to copy and paste. so helpful though

And it begins

I am happy to announce that Daniel and I have set a date. October 17th 2010.
We had initial set it for October 25th this year. But for several reason (finances, moving, jobs, and planning those such things) we decided to push it back till next year.

I am going to try to take some time off at the end of May so I can go out to Asheville and him and I can go to the church and make it our official date. Then we can start planning.

I'm so feels more real now.

I had asked a friend of mine who had moved up north last year if she would be my maid of honor. I was a bit worried she wouldn't be able to what with money and traveling. I know my guests will be from out of state and its going to make it harder on some. So i knew there was a chance she would have to say no. To my surprise I came home today to a package on the door step. A book shaped package! one of the best kinds. Then i thought about it "i havent ordered a book, wait did i?" "no" "crap maybe i forgot to tell the book club no for the feature" "just open it" (that was my inner monologue..err conversation)

so i open. and its a beautiful yellowish and orange package. I open the card and it reads "DUH, I'll be your maid of honor" It put such a smile on my face. Im still giddy. I'm not a scrapbooker really, but this is a keeper. I have to atleast do a book for the wedding. Inside was "the anit-bride wedding planner"

Only shame is i cant get a hold of her on the phone to thank her and be giddy. Stupid cell phones.

Its weird how when we were planning for the wedding in six months i wasnt really in plan mood. I know part of that is that i dont want to end up being "THAT" bride, and I dont want to get pushy about things with Daniel.

Note to Daniel, if i get pushy i sorry.

But now with 18 months ahead of us im ready!!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pardon the interruption

So i am trying to find a blog layout i like and until i find one to settle on its gonna get ugly around here. i wish i was more tech savy and could make my own.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Monsters Vs. Aliens

Daniel is down again for a couple of days. Never long enough. However, we have set a date, Oct 25th. Of course we need to confirm it with the church before its official.

Yesterday we were going to get up early and go down to the beach and watch the sun rise. It didnt happen. i was too tired, but as it turned out it was over casted anyways. So we went shopping bumming around and such. Had some really yummy mexican food. mm nom. Then we went to the bookstore and the movies. It was one of those rare occasions where i didnt buy anything at the bookstore.

But Monsters vs aliens was an excellent movie!! its one of those ones i knew i wouldnt not like. but i really didnt think i would love it the way i did. i found myself laughing loudly several times. the type of 3-d glasses were not our favorite, they left daniel with a headache. but it was still good. of course it was een better cause it was free. we had gone to see sunshine cleaners but it wasnt showing on the board. so we asked the ticket guy about it and he said they were having problems with it but that we could see something else for free. which he totally didnt have to tell us and it was so nice. but i guess they had had some people throwing fits at some point.

but today we are off to a super secret place. im thinking he will love it, but its somewhere ive never been so i cant be sure. fingers crossed.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Mid-day Bitch

I want my computer back to functioning. I'm ready to wipe it clean and start again cause god only knows i cant afford a new one. I have a bunch of pictures i want to upload and can't right now. Grr. I have birds and flowers and projects to upload.

The First Month

As of yesterday Daniel and I have now been engaged for a month. At this point we don't have a date set but are aiming for around October. Somehow i had gotten Oct 11th stuck in my head as the intended date, but nope. So we are still up in the air. I want the reception to be outdoors. So we don't want it too cold or too warm, and October is a hard month to figure out. Hopefully, when he comes next week we can get a date semi set.

But, the first month of our engagement has been pretty good, despite some personal issues. Every time I look at my ring I am reminded of how much he loves me, how much i miss him and can't wait to see him again. How much i cant wait for our lives to start together. I mean, yeah, don't get me wrong its pretty, but its so much more than that. I forgot to put it on one morning (i usually take it off at night since i scratched my face one evening) and i felt lost all day.

I know that we have a lot of challenges ahead of us. Planning a wedding and moving and jobs and such will be stressful over the next few months. As will adjusting to being married. But its something that i really look forward to. Cause for every challenge there is also a reward, and there is also a joy to counteract it. its like a two for one.