It's been a long time since i've even attempted my hand at a veggie garden. But the last few years i've been getting a bad itch to do so. I want to mark off a few beds, till my soil, get it nice and dark, and transplant tiny little buds that i started from seedlings.
Unfortunately, I don't have the land to do so. I'm going to try a few container planets if possible. But i don't have my own place so it's really not up to me.
Today I got a little book from work, more like a promotional booklet for Miracle Grow, but it's on veggies and the basics of growing thirty types of them. So during down time while i wait for managers i flip through it and what do i find? the cutest picture ever!!!! i can't find one to show and it wouldn't copy well, but it was basically a picture of carrots in the soil ever so slightly peeking out. I found out that the part peeking out is called the shoulder and that you don't pull the veggie until its showing. Kinda like a done button on a turkey.
There is something so wonderful about getting your hands dirty and playing around and getting something good out of it. Maybe next year i can start a few plants.
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