Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Nighty Night

It's been a long day.
Again, me luvs the wii!!!

It was my books at the door yesterday.

- Birds in the Hand: Fiction and Poetry about Birds
- Driving with Dead People
- Face Food: The Visual Creativity OF Japanese Bento Boxes (i'll go ahead and say it now, i wasnt that impressed by this one. it had some good pictures in it, but the book was much smaller then expected and there was no instruction-perhapes i had the wrong expectations)
- Grace (Eventually): Thoughts on Faith
- Mortician's Daughter
- I Promise Not to Tell
- The Ladies of Grace Adieu ( i already have this but i really couldn't pass up the hardcover for 1.74)
- Virago Book of Erotic Myths and Legends
- Tamar: Unveiled
- Kanji: pict-o-graphix

all that and i only paid 30 yay me!!

Tomorrow, I am trying something new and will try to load up a video from the last time i went to the zoo.

Sleep now. Sweet dreams!!!!