Sunday, January 11, 2009

THE To-Do List

alrighty. I'm sitting here after finish the laundry (thank you thank you please hold your applause) drinking some wine and thinking. I'm trying to think loud enough that i can drown out all external noise. not sure if it will work.

I'm pmsing and it's leaving me irrationally moody. yay for having a vagina. but seriously not all moodiness is irrational. and that would be why I'm trying to drown out the noises. so after that i think a hot shower and my book and hopefully an early bed time.

Upcoming Projects

- finish alpaca scarf
- pink/black scarf
- silver bracelet
- silver disk earrings
- baby blanket cross stitch

- trap stuffing back inside pillow with thread
- clean up computer
- upload photos over due
- strawberry cake
- try out a couple of bread recipes
- apron

that's it for now. honestly at this point that's alot. for the last four years i really haven't had anytime to wipe my ass from working so much. but since i recently cut down on hours and have a butt-load of free time it's time i get back into the habit or crafting. Honestly, that's my main intent with this here blog. Not for monetary gain, but the hopes of finding others and helping others who are doing the same. and alot of bitching with some pseudo-philosophy along the away.

as i embark on this new journey feel free to pass me around like a two dollar whore and join me.